Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Pain In Osteoarthritis Health And Social Care Essay

Osteoarthritis is a disease of the articulations, impacting 86 % of people over 65 ( Felson, Schaible 2009 ) . Patients with the status frequently complain of hurting within the joint, this hurting frequently worsens when weight bearing. Although, in advanced signifiers of the status there can be pain on remainder excessively. Other ailments include progressive stiffness of the articulations and musculus failing ( Chu, Thornhill 2001 ) . Osteoarthritis is caused by loss of the articular gristle in articulations associated with hypertrophy of the bone and thickener of the capsule ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . A articulation is where two castanetss, covered in articular gristle meet ; the articulation is lubricated with synovial fluid. Figure 1 shows the anatomy of a healthy articulation. Cartilage plays an of import function in leting smooth clash free motion of the joint. If the gristle becomes damaged motion is restricted and pain develops. Bone has an first-class capacity to men d itself nevertheless in degenerative arthritis the castanetss ability to mend itself consequences in chronic hurting. This is because as tissues try to mend, re-growth occurs abnormally doing some countries of bone to go dilutant and others thicker. This means that the two castanetss no-longer fit together every bit good, doing motion to go progressively hard and painful. If there was greater apprehension of the mechanisms behind the development of hurting, and why some patients with similar X raies appear to hold different sums of hurting more effectual interventions could be developed. This could pro-long the clip before the patient requires. This essay will look at how hurting is transmitted through the organic structure, the anatomy of articulations and how debasement of the joint can take to trouble in degenerative arthritis to let for the development of effectual interventions. This image shows the anatomy of a articulatio genus articulation and the accessary constituents of the joint that enable the joint to execute its map of clash free comfy motion. It is these constituents that can deteriorate in degenerative arthritis and cause hurting to develop. Although the image is of a articulatio genus articulation all articulations have a similar construction. ( Image taken from Enohumah and Imarengiaye. 2010 ) Figure 1: Diagram to Show the Anatomy of a Knee Joint. Pain is termed as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with tissue harm ( Merskey, Bogduk 1994 ) and a defense mechanism mechanism associating to weave harm ( Dray, Read 2007 ) . Pain can be described as transient ; this is the direct stimulation of nociceptive centripetal neurones and the ague hurting this causes. Pain of articulations can be chronic ; uninterrupted hurting which makes mundane undertakings progressively hard to set about. Chronic hurting is of small importance as does non mean tissue harm and may go on after the tissue has repaired ( Dray, Read 2007 ) . The hurting can besides be episodic ; this is when hurting intensifies when set abouting undertakings that require increased joint motion or strength, such as mounting stepss or bending over. This hurting can do psychological hurt to the patient and diminish their quality of life as the hurting forces them to go sedentary and stray. Figure 2: The Pain Pathway in Humans This tract illustrates how hurting is transmitted from the stimulation ( in degenerative arthritis this is a joint ) to the encephalon it besides lists some of the chemicals that can be released from damaged cells that affect hurting transmittal and esthesis ( Image taken from Srivastava, 2010 ) . Pain is transmitted form articulations to the encephalon via neurones with bare nervus terminations, see Figure 2. These constructions are known as nociceptors and the functional nociceptive unit is made up of capillaries, nociceptor and mast cell. Joints are innervated by both centripetal and sympathetic nervousnesss. Nociceptors are normally less than 5AÂ µm in diameter and either Type III myelinated with unmyelinated terminations or Type IV unmyelinated. They have a high threshold of activation which means that a larger depolarizing stimulus than normal is required to do activation. The high threshold enables neurones to go selective for noxious mechanical stimulation ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . The stimulation can be interpreted as dynamic ( motion ) or inactive ( place feeling ) ( McDougall 2006 ) . Pain transmittal is as follows ; the nociceptors are stimulated and primary sensory nerve fibers which fire action potencies doing the release of substance P ( a peptide which increases hurting by leting the spinal nociceptors to be easy stimulated ) ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . This activates cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord where they synapse with spinal neurones and transmit nervus urge to the mesencephalon and cerebral mantle. Chemical go-betweens such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes can be released from the site of tissue harm ensuing in peripheral nociceptor sensitisation ; this is the progressive elaboration of a response followed by perennial disposals of a stimulation. Pain felt in degenerative arthritis can be accounted for by the presence of ‘silent nociceptors ‘ which in a healthy person are non activated by a stimulation. These receptors can go activated following tissue harm or redness ( Felson, Schaible 2009 ) . This means that for person who is already sing an increased sum of hurting the activation of these receptors enhances the grade of hurting felt. Pain can besides be accounted for by peripheral sensitisation caused by a lessening in the activation threshold of nociceptors and afferent neurones, doing them to go hyper-responsive to both normal and noxious types of motion. If nociceptors are more sensitive to motion this besides contributes to both allodynia and hyperalgesia as motion becomes more painful. Two squads of research scientists Coggeshall ( 1983 ) and his colleagues and Schaible and Schmidt ( 1986 ) illustrated that the injection of china clay and carrageenin could do synovitis ; the redness of the synovial membrane, by take downing the activation threshold of type III and type IV nociceptors in articulatio genus articulations. By take downing the activation threshold they made it easier to excite the nociceptors, increasing the figure of action potencies produced per unit clip for noxious and innocuous stimulations, doing hurting. Decreasing the activation threshold and the activation of soundless receptors together increases the hurting felt by degenerative arthritis patients ( McDougall 2006 ) . This suggests that if it was possible to increase the threshold of nociceptors, hurting signalling would be decreased ; this is an thought for possible interventions in the hereafter. A farther proposal for the hurting felt in degenerative arthritis is an addition in intra-articular force per unit area ; the human articulatio genus contains synovial fluid within the joint. After hurt or on redness ( see Figure 3 ) the plasma membrane of blood vass becomes progressively leaky and allows plasma proteins to go forth the vasculature and come in the intra-articular infinite. This causes a alteration in the starling forces which allows fluid to flux into the joint causation localised hydrops, ‘excessive accretion of fluid in the organic structure tissues ‘ ( Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary 2007 ) . This Results in the puffiness of the joint increasing the intra-articular force per unit area, doing hurting within the joint, due to an addition in unstable energizing nociceptors. Figure 3: Illustration of How a Number of Chemicals and Neuropeptides Work Together to Cause Pain, Inflammation and Joint Degradation. The figure above shows how, Iinterleukin-1 ( IL-1 ) , interleukin-6 ( IL-6 ) , and tumour mortification factor ( TNF ) are illustrations of proinflammatory cytokines and direct the matrix metalloproteinase ( MMPs ) to degrade connective tissue. MMPs degrade the connective tissue that make up joint tissues. The loss of joint infinite that develops in degenerative arthritis is due to the activity of the MMPs. Growth factors ( VEGF ) can besides hold a infective function in Osteoarthritis. VEGF promotes the development of blood vass to let tissue growing. Research suggests that VEGF is involved in degenerative arthritis. Blood vas growing is accompanied by an increased nervus supply taking to increased hurting. The chondrocyte produces inordinate free groups that assist in the devastation of the environing joint tissue. Free groups are non pictured above ( Sharif et al. 2000 ) , ( Image taken from: Bonnet, Walsh redness. 2005 ) . To forestall tissue harm to articulations the organic structure has a protective mechanism to halt over extension or flexure of articulations, the joint senses the possible harm and releases hurting signals which prevent farther motion of the joint. In degenerative arthritis this protective mechanism is hyperactive and hurting is felt when the articulation is moved within the normal scope. Recent grounds suggests that osteoarthritic hurting is therefore ; joint motion creates emphasis on the axolemma of the ‘free ‘ nervus terminations, ensuing in the gap of mechanogated ion channels, the inflow of Na ions causes depolarization within the neurone and consequences in an action potency ( See Figure 2 ) . Mechanoreceptors are located in the Type III and IV sensory nerve nervus fibers, these channels have been discovered in articulatio genus articulation sensory nerves by electrophysiology measurings and supply an penetration into the physiological mechanisms which are respons ible for mechanotransduction in articulations ( McDougall 2006 ) . These receptors cause increased ionic conductance and cellular depolarisation, doing an action potency and the hurting esthesis ( Heppelmann, McDougall 2005 ) . To understand hurting in degenerative arthritis it is of import to set up where the hurting originates ( See Figure 4 ) . Cartilage is aneural and avascular so pain must arise from other constructions of the joint ( Felson 2001 ) . Possibly the subchondral bone, which is extremely innervated with postganglionic neurones, or the periosteum, synovial membrane, ligaments or the nervus capsule, All of which have nociceptors, maintain vascular tone, permeableness and bone homeostasis ( Dray, Read 2007 ) , any harm to these countries could do hurting. When articular gristle re-modelling occurs there is compaction of soft tissue and microfilaments in the subchondral bone. There is besides gush and cramp of musculuss environing the joint which could explicate the beginning of hurting in degenerative arthritis ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . Figure 4: Diagram to Show Causes of Pain and Pain Transmission in Osteoarthritis. T This figure shows how a figure of factors influence hurting in degenerative arthritis some of these are mechanical factors ( MF ) others involve enzymes and biochemical tracts. The diagram besides shows how some factors could be used to increased gristle grows, a possible intervention for degenerative arthritis. ( Image taken from hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20brochure.html ) As mentioned the articulation is made up of a figure of constructions of articulations ( See Figure 1 ) each of which can deteriorate and do hurting during degenerative arthritis ( See Figure 5 ) . First, the subchondrial bone this is a bed of bone below the gristle. During degenerative arthritis blood flow is increased to this country leting subchondrial cysts to develop. This build up of fluid in the bone causes a force per unit area addition, the addition in force per unit area pushes against the bone and activates noticepters which transmit hurting signals. Changes to the capsule and synovial membrane can besides do hurting ; redness occurs which consequences in an increased volume of fluid, increasing the sum of force per unit area on the joint which causes hurting. The sinews and Bursa can go inflamed and cause, tendonitis and bursitis which causes hurting and decreases the scope of motion of the joint. Muscle blowing and failing besides occur which restrict motion, the deficie ncy of willingness to exert can do musculus and ligament wasting which can do hurting ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . As unexercised musculuss become weak and less able to set about strenuous undertakings this can go on to anyone but is more likely in a patient with degenerative arthritis and although this does non straight do hurting, musculus failing does increase hurting. This diagram illustrates that the joint border lessenings and the synovial fluid volume lessening in patients with degenerative arthritis. The Cartilage besides thins. The decrease in joint infinite, synovial fluid volume and cut gristle causes castanetss to rub against each other on motion doing hurting. ( Image adapted from hypertext transfer protocol: // uid=46 & A ; start=A ) Figure 5: Comparison of the Anatomical Features of a Joint with Osteoarthritis and a Joint of a Healthy Individual. The softening and cutting of gristle can be seen when imaging a joint with degenerative arthritis as there are cavities, it appears unsmooth, and has lesions in the gristle. This causes the gristle to go prone to splitting. This is a secondary cause of hurting in degenerative arthritis as it can take to interrupt castanetss, soft tissue harm and breaks which in bend all cause hurting signals to be transmitted to the encephalon. The organic structure attempts to mend this harm by originating bone re-growth the growing occurs unevenly and causes hurting. A lessening in the joint border and the decrease in volume of synovial fluid cause bone to rub against bone in an Osteoarthritis patient. In a healthy person this does non happen due to the presence of synovial fluid, leting clash free motion ( See Figure 5 ) . The stiffness of the new gristle makes the joint less able to absorb daze, doing motion painful. Osteoarthritis patients frequently complain of hurting non merely when traveling but besides when resting this can be explained by looking at the redness of articulations frequently associated with degenerative arthritis. When a articulation is inflamed a lessening in the hurting threshold consequences, this means that hurting signals that would usually travel unnoticed are transmitted via nociceptors to the encephalon. This is known as allodynia where hurting is felt for a usually innocuous stimulation ( McDougall 2006 ) such as sitting down or walking and hyperalgesia where increased hurting is experienced during an activity. An account for the disagreements between joint harm seen on X raies and joint hurting could be explained by looking at the two hurting transmittal tracts, the sidelong and medinal systems ( for hurting transmittal See Figure 2 ) . The thalamus and cerebral mantle are the countries of the encephalon that are involved in having and covering with hurting signals. The sidelong system, involves the stimulation of thalamic karyon in the ventral sidelong thalamus. The information is transmitted to the somatosensory cerebral mantle for analysis of location, continuance, strength and vicinity. The median system uses the midplane and intralaminar thalamic karyon to convey urges to different parts of the encephalon including the amygala to do affectional responses, attending and acquisition. The country of the encephalon urges are directed to change the hurting felt. If one system is stronger or more prevailing in some patients than others this could impact the sum and type of hurting felt and the class of intervention ( Hunter 2009 ) . Pain experiences are alone and effected by life experiences and genetic sciences. For illustration, a individual ‘s assurance in their ability to set about a undertaking or motion will specify their success in the undertaking. A patient ‘s inclination to catastrophize, or to do the best of a state of affairs will alter the hurting experience. The more hurting anticipated the more hurting felt ( Hunter 2009 ) . Social factors such as if a patient has a supportive environment, if they are stressed, low in liquors or traveling through an emotionally hard experience affect the sum of hurting felt ( Felson, Schaible 2009 ) . Factors that influence hurting but may non hold a scientific or physiological ground are besides of import indexs for the cause of hurting. Physical activity can increase or diminish pain esthesis. An addition in hurting can be felt when exerting particularly flexing and weight lifting, others feel soft exercising decreases hurting. The footwear a patient wears high heels increase hurting as there is increased emphasis on the articulatio genus articulation, whereas supportive flat places tend to do less hurting ( Hunter 2009 ) . If the patient has a past hurt or an hurt occurs and eventually environmental factors some patient ‘s complain of increased hurting during cold and wet conditions with high force per unit areas than on all right just yearss. No scientific grounds has shown these factors to act upon hurting but many patients do see alterations in hurting that can non be explained by imaging or disease provinces ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . Pain in degenerative arthritis is n't merely cognitive but there is affectional hurting excessively, this means that many degenerative arthritis patients suffer from depression and anxiousness ( McDougall 2006 ) . This could be due to the deficiency of mobility doing many patients to experience stray. It is hence imperative that the hurting tracts in degenerative arthritis are understood to let the development of effectual interventions to better the quality of life of a patient. Osteoarthritis is characterised by hurting in the articulations on activity which is relieved on remainder, this is episodic hurting. Advanced degenerative arthritis is when hurting can besides be felt at remainder and at dark and is known as chronic hurting. The hurting normally occurs as decreased map of the joint, stiffness or gelling of the joint which is short lived and relieved after inaction. Pain is variable and great differences can be seen in the sensed hurting in patients with similar scans. Pain is transmitted from the site of hurt to the encephalon down specialised neurones know as nociceptors. Nociceptors have a high threshold and hence merely transmit noxious stimulations. Although cartilage re-growth can trip hurting, gristle is avascular and aneurla and therefore research is concentrated on looking at the other construction of the joint that could do hurting. A possible mark for drug action is on the neuropeptides which can heighten the hurting felt by a patient when traveling the joint. Another cause of hurting is ; redness doing a lessening in the hurting threshold and the activation of soundless receptors. A ground for the disagreements between imaging of the joint and the hurting felt could be explained by looking at the two chief tracts of hurting transmittal the sidelong and medinal tracts. These tracts transmit signals to different countries of the encephalon and hence do a different experience of hurting, if these tracts were better understood they could be countries for drug intervention. Pain and redness are linked and hence interventions that relieve the symptoms of the disease may besides better the earnestness of the status. Finally, hurting can besides hold a cognitive cause this is where the patient uses past experiences and the environment to judge the hurting felt. If a patient was more comfy, less stressed, happier and in more agreeable conditions they may see a decrease in hurting despite no alteration in the disease province . This nevertheless is a complex physiological state of affairs and requires more research before it can be used in clinical scenes to cut down hurting. Another possible intervention could be to increase the hurting threshold this would do it harder to originate an action potency and the patient would be able to travel the joint more before hurting was felt. Before advanced and effectual interventions for degenerative arthritis are to be developed it is indispensable that more research on hurting transmittal and causes is undertaken.Word Count: 2,587

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Weak Fiscal Lever

Economic management is The basic aim of any government in the world and its main policy objectives includes management of low and stable inflation, reduction in unemployment, maintain economic growth and to secure a favorable balance of payments.Fiscal lever is one of the main policy tools available to government to tackle economic downturn. According to Dornbusch, Fischer, and Startz, fiscal policy is the policy of the government with regard to the level of government purchases, the level of transfers, and the tax structures (Dornbusch, Fischer, and Startz 199).With all its significance, Fiscal lever should be very strong for stabilization of economy.High sensitivity of investment to interest rates and misunderstanding of policy makers to anticipate the need of particular crisis makes a fiscal policy weak and ineffective.A weak fiscal lever is the recipe to create inflation and retard private investment by higher interest rates that leads to arrest growth and development because low er investment means, the capital stock is also lower that leads to lower future incomes. Â  That is the condition of total breakdown of the structure of any economic system.A weak fiscal lever also creates social unrest by manipulation of resource allocation in the hands of government to fulfill their political priorities. It is well evident fact that if civil society will be dissatisfied by the policies the process of growth can not be carried out rather the crisis management can not be achieved. In other words weak fiscal lever can not help economy to get out of recession with all its traditional tools.Work CitedDornbush, Fisher, and Startz. Macroeconomics: McGraw-Hill, Singapore. 1999. Print

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Most Important Factors Of Transforming Gateshead Holdings Essay

The Most Important Factors Of Transforming Gateshead Holdings - Essay Example The workers were sorted into teams and assigned responsibilities accordingly. Workers were also offered rewards for putting in best efforts towards fulfilling their responsibilities. This helped in motivating the staff, a critical component in today's business context. Motives help in providing a reason for the staff to act in a more efficient manner. On the other hand lack of motivation can actually result in distorting the working environment. The five elements of 5S included Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. Once the workforce realizes that the management is indeed quite serious about sustaining the business the long term, they too start connecting their future with the efficient functioning of the company. During the years prior to 1999, no positive motivation was in sight for the workers. The lack of any positive motivation by the managers often results in automatic provisioning of negative motivation. But the 5S adopted by management helped in changing this attitude. From the year 1995 to 1998 the staff turnover ratio is consistently on an increase. Workers appear to have given up and considering it a sinking  ship the workers getting opportunities elsewhere thought it fit to leave at the first available opportunity. This is reflected in the incremental percentage of staff turnover. This leads to an increase in costs as once a set of trained staff leaves, a new process for recruiting is required to be taken up. The new incumbents take some time to familiarise themselves with the work and working environment. This affects the production levels and efficiency of the respective departments. In 1999, it appears in the initial months, the percentage of staff turnover had been on the rise, but after the motivation thoughts and positive signals sent in by Geoff, this trend stopped.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Delegates and Electors in the United States Assignment

Delegates and Electors in the United States - Assignment Example Electors, however, are people that represent a state’s electoral votes for president and vice president after the presidential election is held (Janda, 48). Delegates are selected from all states either through primary elections, caucuses or even for their prominence in the party. In this regard, the delegates of a particular political party will vote in a presidential candidate who they feel has the party’s best interests. They also consider the competitiveness and the likelihood of the candidate to give the party a win in the general election. On the other hand, electors are chosen by voters from the fifty States plus the District of Columbia and total up to 538. The candidate who receives a majority of the elector’s votes becomes the president and his/her running mate the vice president. Each of the two sets of groups, the delegates and electors, play a decisive part in selecting the president of the United States. The delegates are crucial in the nomination of a political party’s presidential candidate and therefore significantly influence the option presented to the people in the general election. Candidates become the official party flag bearers after a vote is taken by the particular party’s delegates to the presidential nominating conventions. The delegates, in so doing take their cue from the voters' decision during the party primaries and caucuses. It is important to note that the rules for selecting delegates vary by party; by state, and also by congressional district. The electors are too necessary to be assumed as well. It is the electors that decide for the People who the president of the United States of America will be in an election. Each state has a number of electors that is equivalent to the number of both the senators and representatives combined. On the day of elections, voters in each state, choose electors based on their preferred presidential candidates. It is these elected people, forming the Electoral College, that vote for the president and the vice president, with each elector casting one single vote. Â   Â  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Answer following questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer following questions - Essay Example In 2 (a), defamation refers to an act of damaging one’s good reputation. Victoria can use the article that was published by Miamisburg Mudslinger as evidence to prove defamation. The evidence would be used to ascertain that libel occurred because a permanent publication that damaged her reputation was made by the Company in form of a newspaper article. In 2 (b), I would bring pure comparative legal defense and assumption of risk defense on behalf of Mudslinger to defeat Victoria’s claim. First, the pure comparative defense would be used to argue that Victoria’s act of engaging in an illegal sexual relationship with a fifteen-year old boy led to the defamation. The photo of her kissing in a rather vigorous manner with the boy ascertains that they were engaging in a sexual affair. Secondly, the assumption of risk defense would be provided on the basis that Victoria knew the consequences of engaging in an illegal sexual relationship with an underage boy and yet she did not avoid the act (Browne et al., 226). Therefore, the plaintiff was responsible for the defamation because she committed an act knowingly that it would damage her reputation if publicly discovered. Negligence has four elements that include; duty, breach of duty, causation and damages. In 3 (a), businesses owe their patrons duty of care. In 3 (b), the store breached its duty of care to its patrons because it failed to either repair or warn passers-by against the possible danger that would resulted due to the divot. Although the divot’s view was not hidden by any obstacle, circumstances made it not to be an open and obvious danger. The management of the Company was aware that there are vehicles often entering the parking lot that might attract the attention of pedestrians hence preventing them from seeing the divot. Therefore, it should have taken precautions to avoid exposing their customers to the danger. In 3 (c), direct cause refers to a

Friday, July 26, 2019

An Artistic and Intellectual Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

An Artistic and Intellectual Revolution - Essay Example The greatest service that the Renaissance was the liberation of the human spirit and the birth of an original thought. This led to rapid progress in all spheres of activity. It also led to various movements, which took place at the same time, such as the emergence of new geographical discoveries and political reform movement that inaugurated the modern era. Renaissance spirit that emerged during the Middle Ages. Currently in Europe lived in the spiritual tyranny of the church. As the dogmatic attitude of the church was a spiritual concern, as quiet and patient, the development of thought. Seeds of independent thought, which are seeded trees grown in the Middle Ages in modern times. Several factors have contributed to the success of the Renaissance. Ideas that are not based on reason cannot continue indefinitely. The clergy in the church, in practice, acted contrary to the principles of true Christianity that is preached. This faith in the ideas of commitment to the universal Church a nd the universal rule. Original thinkers like Roger Bacon and Peter Abelard succeeded in weakening the intellectual authority of the church with new trails. Peter Abelard (1079 1142) considered it essential to apply the principles of reason to Scripture. In his view, the mysteries of Christianity are not taken for granted. They were examined in the light of reason and intelligence. Original thinkers like Roger Bacon and Peter Abelard succeeded in weakening the intellectual authority of the church with new trails. Peter Abelard (1079 1142) considered it essential to apply the principles of reason to Scripture. In his view, the mysteries of Christianity are not taken for granted. They were examined in the light of reason and intelligence. Another revolutionary thinker was Roger Bacon (1214-1294). Aristotle criticized the church severely. He agreed in the past, everything that was reasonable and worked patiently for the cause of the new spirit. With an open mind and the spirit of scien tific research, studied subjects like math, physics, natural sciences and philosophy. He had the vision to anticipate the latest invasions and wrote about the possibility of having a boat without oars, without draft animals, vehicles and flying machines. However, because of the bold approach of Bacon and original thought, he earned the enmity of the church, which was punished, and Peter Abelard. The Fall of Constantinople led to a widespread and systematic study of the Greek heritage. After Constantinople, the great center of civilization and culture, fell to the Ottoman Turks, the Greek scholars fled to various parts of Europe that emit the great ideas of ancient Greece. Thus, the enthusiasm for the study of the classics was injected into the minds of Europeans. (Pink Monkey, 2011) The rapid spread of ideas was made possible by the introduction of printing. A mid-15th century, Johannes Gutenberg was able to operate the first movable type in Mainz in Germany, where the

Biology Student's Achievement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Biology Student's Achievement - Essay Example It appears that the issues of achievement, attitude, and course completion are not taken seriously, since despite attempts, the average attrition rates in community colleges are 41% from the first to the second year, and only 34% of the remaining students persist in the course to complete a degree (Conway, 2010). In order to find out the reasons why there is failure to retain students, especially in community colleges, the attitudes of the students have been found to be at fault. Studies conducted on students in community colleges have revealed that the goals of educational programs in community colleges are different from those in the university colleges. Aslanian (2001) indicated that the average age of the students in community colleges is higher than an average university student. Community colleges tend also to enroll underprepared students from low-income and low parental education families and often from ethnic minority backgrounds in part-time programs (Cohen and Brawer 1996). While these ensure ease of access and facilitates enrolment, this might be a major factor inhibiting desired retention. Thayer (2000) indicates that while first-generation students get enrolled to these community college programs with higher frequencies, they also tend to demonstrate higher attrition rates. Alt hough the specific impacts of these factors on attitudes to complete the course and achieve education have not been studied, certain factors appear to be significantly contributing to this phenomenon. Age appears to be an important factor, since this indicates a large number of adult and returning students creating an opportunity for higher education, which may serve as the gateway for job (Powers, 2007). Sherman, Byer and Rapp (2008) emphasize it is important to ensure that online courses add to the value of traditional courses and improve student preparation. Labov (2006) states that the federal No Child Left Behind Act, with its emphasis on testing, accountability and teacher quality coupled with concerns about performance of US students and employer expectations for sound training in preparation for employment has set the stage for a thorough scrutiny of the performance of education at all levels. This means despite adversities from other determinants of pursuing education, the students enrolled for courses in community colleges may have many other determinants. However, the aspect of mode of learning and form of class room has also drawn significant attention. While the students of community colleges tend not to persist as has been finally concluded by Thayer (2000), the form of student teacher interactions, teaching expertise, timing of program are all important possible determinants. Recent improvement of technology has also made possible on-line courses in a virtual environment as opposed to the traditional classroom lecture and laboratory methods especially for the science subjects. Fike et al. (2008) further

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Bank - Essay Example With this combination of traits, F.C. will be perceived by her subordinates as highly professional and a less emotionally-attached supervisor. With the probable high-esteem perceived by these loan officers, they are being sent a clear and firm directive that this boss ‘means serious business.’ Thus, F.C.’s work characteristics will positively impact the subordinate loan officers’ behavior through the reinforcement of discipline and due diligence. To aid me in deciding which candidate is best for the position, I may require the invaluable information about the candidate’s capacity to solicit and rationalize the subordinate’s responses on the bank’s organizational approaches. This capacity is important because an understanding of the subordinates’ behavior is the primary key in formulating solutions in work problems like selling loans to low credit-worthy clients to reach or exceed the allotted quota, or lowering the set standards to accommodate all types of clients. Another criterion for judging the candidate’s suitability in the position is the capability to enforce individual accountability among the subordinate loan officers. The lack of such accountability may be the probable culprit behind the loan officers’ reckless exposure of the bank to financial risks. Moreover, the bank evidently fails or has a considerable lapse in enforcing accountability to these loan officers (else there would be no financial bath). The candidate who possesses such enforcing capacity and serves as a model of accountability has the potential to further and reinforce the bank’s risk-mitigating measures. For this particular supervisory position, personality assessment should be given as much weight as the technical qualifications. This is because technical tasks are difficult to delegate or coordinate without a healthy framework of soft skills. Moreover, decisions and actions are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

St. George and Deerfield Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

St. George and Deerfield - Essay Example I respect everyone and listen to others peoples’ viewpoints carefully. Work has always been my first priority. I do not let my mind and attention deviate when I am determined to accomplish some task. I am not the one who keeps a bunch of incomplete or late works in his/her bag. When I plan to achieve something, I achieve it. Many people think that it is very challenging to achieve everything that you are trying for, but my hard work and strong will have always brought me success. Moreover, I am able to learn new skills quickly. For example, once at school, I had to perform in a concert and I had a very little amount of time to prepare because of my academic works. However, I was able to manage my academic works and prepare for the concert in a very short span of time because of my time management skills. In this part of the paper, I will talk about my job interest, family, and vision. I have always wanted to do such job, which should provide me the opportunity to explore different cultures and countries. I am interested in excavating ancient ruins in countries or places that are not well known. I want to explore ancient cultures and traditions. I am very interested in studying human behaviors of ancient times. I want to play my role in finding new history, culture, and ancient ruins in countries that are very poor and underdeveloped but have valuable history or unique culture. My family, particularly my parents, has always been a source of inspiration for me. My parents have always supported me in every matter of my life. They have played a great role in developing my interest in archeology. I am very fond of traveling. Travel enables me to broaden my vision, get hope, and dream for my future. Travel also helps me find new aspects of different cultures and explore the roots of ancient traditions. When I was in 5th grade, my family and I made a travel to Egypt. The travel helped me develop my interest in ancient history and in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

See the file Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

See the file - Essay Example This paper provides an insightful analysis of the thoughts of Descartes and Bentham regarding whether we should eat animals or not As mentioned earlier, Descartes argued that animals do not feeling pain even though they act as if they do. They are like machines, which can be used at anytime for any purpose. Unlike human beings, animals do not feel pain at all. This implies that when they are killed for consumption, they do not feel any pain for it. For this reason, animals can be used as food, just like the vegetables and the fruits. The fact that animal kept and domesticated just like plants implies that they can be used by human beings for food (Warren 164) . Their necks can be cut off the same way the plant tips are cut and they do not complain. In of support of the reasoning that the animals should be eaten, Descartes argues that animals do not have rights, unlike the human beings. The same way the plants are used they should be used to provide food for the human beings who are far much superior to them. Human beings do feel pain especially when they are cut. This, according to Descartes, is unlike to happen to the animal (Pickering and Norman 513). Animals should be treated like the machines since they are like the objects; the same way we use a tractor to plough. Moreover, he argues that anything that feels pain should be pitied. Human beings are emotional beings; if the animals were feeling pain they would be pitied. According to him, it would be so remorseful to see the animals go through the painful state of being slaughtered. Since them do not feel any of these they should be killed according the human being’s wish. It can be so remorseful to see a fellow human being slaughter unlike an animal. The cry of the fellow human being can make another human being feel sad or cry as a result. If animals were emotional, they would cry if they see a human being slaughter a fellow animal. Animals should be eaten as they eat one another, this show that they

Monday, July 22, 2019

Health and Social Care Act Essay Example for Free

Health and Social Care Act Essay Legislation: Health and Social Care Act; the Medicines Act and The Misuse of Drugs Act. Guidelines could include the Nursing Midwifery Guidelines for the management of medicine administration registered nurses have to abide by this set of guidelines and for paid carers, the General Social Care Councils Code of Conduct will have something which could relate to medication. Policy for example consider the Governments drive to ensure people with dementia are not over medicated so their policy is currently designed to push the professionals responsible for prescribing to bear in mind the effect of drugs on frail elderly people and to consider alternative treatments such as activities and therapies. Other examples of policy might be the Government’s drive to limit the prescribing of antibiotics to reduce the incidence of resistant strains of bacteria. Protocols a protocol is a procedure and you could outline your companys procedure (protocol) for disposing of controlled drugs or medication in general. 2- Know about common types of medication and their use. Antibiotics- The most common side effects of antibiotics affect the digestive system. These occur in around 1 in 10 people. Side effects of antibiotics that affect the digestive system include: being sick feeling sick diarrhea bloating and indigestion abdominal pain loss of appetite Ibuprofen- Ibuprofen can cause a number of side effects. For this reason, take lowest possible dose of ibuprofen for the shortest possible time needed to control your symptoms. Common side effects of ibuprofen include: nausea (feeling sick) vomiting (being sick) diarrhoea (passing loose, watery stools) indigestion (dyspepsia) abdominal (tummy) pain Antihistamine- Common side effects of first-generation antihistamines include: drowsiness impaired thinking dry mouth dizziness constipation blurred vision an inability to fully empty the bladder (urinary retention) Drugs like insulin (blood has to be taken from a pinprick so that glucose can be measured before the insulin can be given); warfarin to thin the blood again blood levels must be checked regularly; digoxin to slow and steady the heart (pulse should be checked prior to administration and advice taken if the pulse dips below 60 beats per minute) Common adverse reactions might be diarrhoea (some antibiotics for example); skin rashes; nausea through to serious adverse reactions such as anaphylactic shock (facial swelling, blistering of the skin, wheezing and hives) leading to total system collapse and (if not treated with adrenalin) death. The different routes of medication administration are orally, injection/intravenous, creams, and liquids. 3- Understand procedure and techniques for the administration of medication. The required information from prescriptions and medication administration charts are medication name, the name of the person the mediation is prescribed for, dosage, freq uency/PRN and medication strength. 4- Prepare for the administration of medication. Standard precautions for infection control would be hand washing, ppe for  example gloves and aprons etc. In a structured health care setting, medication would be administered to the patient or resident or client by a nurse, such as an RN or LPN whoever was assigned to be the med nurse. In other facilities, medication is administered by persons with med certs (certification training to administer meds). Its a very specific, precise duty. Meds are secured in locked rooms, areas, and carts. No one is allowed access except the med nurse or scheduled med cert. (person). Meds have to be administered in the correct dosage, which can only be according to a doctors prescription. Dosage cannot be altered unless a doctor alters or updates the Rx. The person administering the meds must observe the person they administer them to and ensure that they took them. Pocketing meds (in the cheek), or refusing meds are handled according to the persons meds and orders. Sometimes it is marked as declined / refused meds. Sometimes, it is documented that they did not swallow it initially and had to be encourag ed, etc. or whatever happened according to the facilities guidelines. Meds are always, and must be, administered and documented accurately when they are administered (contemporaneously). Meds are prescribed to be given sometimes at certain intervals. If the med is a few minutes late, no one is to assume that it was already administered, and skip it. Likewise, if it is offered a little early and that is appropriate according to the order, the med, or the patient request, etc. and it is not documented correctly and contemporaneously, and a second dose is administered, assuming it is on time, and assuming falsely that it was not recently administered (upon request or whatever the circumstances were), then the patient would have been given an incorrect dosage, more than they were prescribed. You know that with some meds, that could be very a very serious overdose, sometimes terminal. They do try to put many checks and balances in place to prevent as much human error as possible, but it can happen. The consequences are usually pretty severe. A med cert would automatically lose their med certification, and they would be disciplined up to, and including, termination. With a licensed nurse, Im not as sure of the procedure, but Im fairly certain it would definitely include reporting the med error or  abuse, suspension without pay, an internal (or perhaps external) investigation, and disciplinary actions up to and including termination. Also, unauthorized access and theft of prescription medications whether by the assigned med nurse, or an outside party, would automatically involve criminal charges. And of course, criminal charges are always a possibility in the other two scenarios I presented above for med certs and nurses, depending on the laws, the circumstances, and the outcome of the investigations. Like I said, very serious consequences. And it’s not like someone could just take a med and it could go unnoticed. med admin documentation is reviewed / audited at least daily, if not more often, and if someone was suspected of confiscating meds, such as narcotics, the building, in some agencies would go into lock-down and staff could / wo uld be subjected to a search.

Italian Neorealism And Bicycle Thieves Film Studies Essay

Italian Neorealism And Bicycle Thieves Film Studies Essay It is evident that Italian Neorealism and the life of post-war shaped DeSisas film Bicycle Thieves (1948). However, with much debate, one can argue that the sentimental nature of the film overwhelms the films potential to make a powerful political statement. With reference to important scenes from the film, Italian neorealist principles focused on; location, lighting, typage, dà ©cor, loose camera shots, eye-level angles, invincible editing and reportage, as well as and the usage of sentiment One can justifiably claim that the powerful political statement is not overwhelmed by sentiment, and in fact enhances the message the film aims to give off. The uniqueness of the Italian works, vise-a-visa other relevant cineamas, lies in their stylistic organization of elements of apparent rawness, their emotional intensity, and their focus on current political and social problems. (P. Adams Sitney, 1995) Thus, one is able to identify Italian Neorealism as the harmonizing of sentiment (emotional intensity) and awareness of political and social problems through Neorealist principles, which inevitably feeds off from an happening that affected the world, and specifically as we see in the history influence in this film; Italy. This change in society brought about characteristics and principles which became noticeable in cinema during this time period. These principles not only molded the film Bicycle Thieves, but were used to bring about a message to the audience. A message which was not overwhelmed by emotional rawness but a message of a social movement awareness reflected through cinema. Neorealism was not only what I came to see as a propaganda device, but an influential and significant movement in film history, which occurred in Italy at the ending of World War II. (John Stubbs, 2010: pg 1) Italy moved from fascism and dictatorship, whereby much was revolved around a single-party position as one can clearly see in the Holocaust, to an equal and democratic society. Here we see this so effectively reflected through Bicycle Thieves when converging neorealist principles, the idea of sentiment to enhance the political statement and the apparent rawness which adds power to the social conditions Through the overall statement to justifiably prove that sentiment was not a downfall to DeSicas focus. The filmmakers and directors clearly believed they had an ethical task to use cinema and film as a means to promote the social amendment that had just occurred post the war. Ideally, it wasnt so much about the storyline of the film and its characters, but more about making the public aware of the difficulties that working people had to face. Here we see a Marxist approach on the rebuilding of Italy whereby unlike the mythology of Classic Hollywood, no single person can change the world and the ultimate society would inevitably be a classless society, as Leo Tolstroy (1882) successfully explains; Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself, for when everyone changes themselves, the world will change.   Neorealisms origin of strength lies in the documentary excellence which is used to portray the realism of the story as realism can only occupy in art from a dialectal position. (Andrà © Bazin, 1971) One might speculate what Bicycle Thieves would be like in colour, however the black and white aspect highlights the tone of the film being a bleak, depressing emotion contrary to the usage of colour which would highlight liveliness and energy and go against the tone of the film. Black and white not only attaches an emotion, but is a form of rebellion to genre and movements that found success in colour. Thus, clearly showing that the sentiment brings about the tone of the film which enhances the message of presenting the gloomy conditions of poverty in post-war Italy. Andre Bazin (1971: 20) describes this through referring to the term reconstituted reportage. Reconstituted reportage is seen through how the every day events are shown, and the daily happenings which would have and did happen in Italy at that period of time. This adds, as discussed above, far more truth to the film and is not the making of a documentary but rather shown and seen in a documentary-type way through with which Bazin (1971) refers to as a journalistic style. Bicycle Thieves has gives off a documentary experience to the audience which could not be removed from the script without thereby eliminating the whole social setting into which its roots are so deeply sunk (Bazin, 1971: 20). Bazin (1971) points out that realism and truth in film is a product of artifice. Truth is an important principle of neorealism, as truth brings realism; the more believable the film is to the audience, the more truthful it is thus, it is seen as realistic. We see this through DeSicas film techniques extensively set out to enhance the opportunity for the audience to live in the story. The real location shooting aids far more freedom and looseness for mise-en-scene, to such an extend that the camera-man is unsure what to look for. An example from the film can be seen when Antonio and Bruno walk away from a car in the street, meander in the streets for a bit heading in the same direction and then suddenly they both go the opposite way. As a viewer, the focus of the camera comes across somewhat as uncertain as the viewer experiences when watching a film for the first time. Here we see how such a camera technique can enhance realism and the opportunity for the audience to experience it. Another technique which is so different to Eisensteins Battleships Potempkin (1925) is that montage is avoided due to jump cutting, removing a sense of truth and realism, with noting that montage is, if anything, modifies realism. This can be seen through the truth of the characters the aesthetics of realism; lighting, location, dà ©cor, camera shots, camera angles and editing. This not only brings about authenticity but also creates a much stronger message for the audience. In Bicycle Thieves, there is a correlation between truth and sentiment, and truth and the political statement Which are justifiably both used in this film without over powering one another (balance) in order to positively enhance the films message. Inevitably, in order for a director to get an actual event (post-war) understood by his audience truth and realism is the most effective approach. Neorealism focuses on the characters and themes without much focus on the plot itself as the plot is seen to warp the truth about people if focus is too much on the execution statement and not the input which is the reasoning for the statement and the very focal point the viewers need exposure to (John Stubbs, 2010: pg 4) Thus, the film wouldve not only been monotonous if there was no sentiment (due to there not being enough material if there was no storyline about characters and a central theme), but to know and understand a situation, one must be put in a stance where one has the opportunity of learning a huge amount about the faith and frustrations of a human being. Equally, a monotonous film due to no sentiment from characters and a central theme, is inevitably a failed film. Through this, neorealists are able to portray truth to a greater extend through bringing about simplicity yet a means of understanding the real life through everyday characters and a central theme (getting t he bicycle back); a main appeal in films even today. Likewise, without sentiment, we wouldnt be exposed to a equilibrium between objective shots of each of the characters and subjective shots showing the audience the characters point-of-view in the social and political conditions they are experiencing. One can also agree that the sentiment aids the whole use of Neorealism principles. Without characters, loose shots wouldnt be blatant to the audience (also in comparison to the few novelty used close-up shots) as loose shots show freedom, which thus emphasizes truth and realism. The storyline being as simple as the search for a bicycle, doesnt take the political statement too far away from the message. Likewise, the actual characters in the film are everyday normal people. We can see this through the workman being found in the factory, the child being found wondering around the streets and the wife being found through her writing. (Andre Bazin, 1971) This is known as Typage whereby there is no star system which immediately creates a far more realistic/truth approach and feel. Similarly, the locations and dà ©cor are real and not built-up or made-up, the lighting is natural which attempts to present reality as it is, the editing is invincible which enhances truth and the camera is free which is unrestricted and brings about a far more convincing viewing. Neorealists not only conformed to such techniques for that these techniques best suited execution of maximum realism in cinema, but is a cinema movement which brought about much rebellion too. Italian Neorealism had already provided a cinematic model for rebellion, both against the conventions imposed by the political and social states ideology (Mark Mesaros, 2010) and past cinema movements such as the success seen in montage in German Expressionism. With the storyline of the characters and the truth which is by principle brought about, I fully agree that it brings sentiment to the screens. However, it puts you (the audience) in a far more heart-felt and understanding position which I believe brings about the political statement in a far more expressive way, rather than a theoretical and cold approach. And as some agree, its not even sentimental its just painful. (The Internet Movie Database, 2010: retrieved 28 April) Instead of a cold theoretical approach which would entail no sentiment, we are introduced to a family who are ordinary and by no means are glamorous heros which is commonly seen in Classical Hollywood. Quite frankly, if we werent introduced to characters and the sentiment they bring, which play a role in this film, I personally dont think much of a political statement would be made as one needs interest to grasp a statement. As we see in Classic Hollywood, the emotional character identification influences the message of the film and is a central characteristic, contrary to Italian Neorealism where characters are everyday individuals who are put in a equal light which intention, also enhances the message this movement wishes to portray. The character of Ricci is the focus of the film, however we are not interested in him but rather what will happen next in the films sequence of events. And even though characters bring about sentiment and the viewer starts becoming attached to the ro le the characters plays, in Bicycle Thieves, Bruno the son unsentimentally still criticizes and looks down on his father. Noticeably very different to what we see in Classic Hollywood. In response to the representation of the political statement made in this film, we are clearly able to see this in noticeable scenes in the film. In the first scene, the camera follows Ricci from the unemployment gathering to his wife where the housing project is in the background, which is fully exhibited to the viewer showing the bleak conditions. We see the men and woman arguing about employment and shortage of water. This emphasis on long and medium shots which appeals to the truth in the film enhances the political message due to the events getting exhibited on a whole Whereas close up would bring more sentiment. Long and medium shots show the actor loosely framed in his environment and allow the viewer opportunity to look around in that environment with the added enhancement of the shots taken at eye level. As well as minimized jumps and shifts through editing to bring more real life to the cinema audience. Thus we see here that sentiment is not overwhelming the political statement, but rather the political statement is actually taking dominance in the shots. Of course DeSica did move in for close-up shots every now and then which becomes a novelty and is in effect very strong and holds the base to string along the story of the characters and the central object, which is needed to (as mentioned earlier) keep the audience interested and not bored. The central object being the bicycle. They are everywhere and yet treasured, and the shortcoming of the Ricci familys position is enforced when Antonios bicycle is stolen. Here, the object brings sentiment to enforce the political statement, and what I find even more interesting is how the title changed from Bicycle Thief to Bicycle Thieves as ultimately it becomes a vicious cycle of survival as one has to steal their own bicycle back from the thief, therefore becoming a thief resulting in thieves. This therefore constitutes to the message of the film, for the continuous battle of the haves and have-nots. Through the character of Antonio, it is the faith that drives him and allows him follow within his quest to find his stolen bicycle. Although DeSicas bleak realism of the post-war gives purpose to the central theme of the film, it is ultimately the conflict of human-optimism which gives the film and its political statement its power and without human sentiment, one can argue that the film would not produce affective power. If we look at three scenes, we are able to see how sentiment brings power to the political statement. In one scene we see Antonio and Maria trade in their bed linen. The camera moves away from them (long shot) and we see the heaps of bed-linen behind the counter-table. This immediately becomes a somewhat gloomy reminder of the extensive nature of unemployment while recognizing its effect on the heart of families household lives. Again we see how realistic the lighting is and how the framing is loose to incorporate the environmental conditions to promote the political message. In another scene we see Ricci reporting his bicycle stolen and is directed by the policeman to the piles of alike reported cases. His account and circumstances are not singular, and we see here how it is not only this family that is going through this but also a lot of people. (Note the title: Thieves and not Thief) Thus portraying the political message that goes beyond this familys personal sentiment. Here we are also shown how humanitarianism prohibited Ricci from pressing official charges anti the thief, and the same moral fiber that became apparent after he stole the bicycle. (Paul Baxa, 2011) He did what the thief did to him. One can argue that such a film was essential in Italy as through this family we have the opportunity of being a bystander to the horrendously forceful civil war amoungst fascists and its ongoing of killing and reprisals through seeing how this effects one, and how not only effecting this family but many others. Italy in post-war was in desperate need of healing and compassion even at the cost of a perceived injustice. (Paul Baxa, 2011) Like art, theatrical drama, writing and poetry cinema had the same power to reach to the masses, into their hearts and minds, and make them aware of the political and social conditions. Healing does not come from the government and leaders of the country, but comes from within the everyday man on the streets you and me. Thus, from the Riccis, those being affected by the war and living within such conditions as well as the audience viewing this film who can in many ways relate. In another scene, arguably the most sentimental scene yet what I believe portrays the political message more powerfully than any other- we see the father and sons relationship come to a mend. It is understood with looking into the Italian family lifestyle, that the father and sons relationship is by far the strongest and most special. Little Brunos appearance when taking his fathers hand in the last scene is merely a realistic point of life and is a means of facing life with your father an important part in Italian culture. With Bruno being the witness of the tragedy and finally coming to realize his father is not a hero after all (contrary to Classic Hollywood), much like the audience being a witness too, this scene gives off a sense of aggravation, mortification, paradox and most of all acceptance to survival. These sentimental feelings therefore expresses the political statement as this ending of when the father and son take hands, expresses manhood and the hardship of survival one needs to go through with still looking for a sense of acceptance. Bazin (1971) explains this father/son scene as reaching puberty. Up to that moment the man has been like a god to his son and their relations came under the heading of admiration. By the fathers actions of becoming a thief, the father has in doing so compromised all heroism that his son had seen in him. However, this scene is seen as acceptance not only in survival, but also acceptance of ones father and supposed role model. He will love him henceforth as a human being, shame and all. (Bazin, 1971: pg 54) This scene inevitabely becomes a deceptive one, as the truth and reality of this acceptance and now found happiness through the fathers wrong doings, depends all on the central object the bicycle. Bicycle Thieves therefore inevitably portrayed the political statement through expressing the social conditions without expressing solutions. One might argue that this is a downfall, however at this moment in time solutions were not theoretical and if healing was going to occur it was going to have to come from the people. Thus, this film is inevitably awareness that needs to be found in each individual, which will create its own solution. Much like the theme and characters inevitably creating a plot on its own in Neorealism. The neorealist approach doesnt have an inbuilt political statement solution, as the most widespread attribute of neorealism is; on location shooting and the feeling of truth. (John Stubbs, 2010) Exactly what Bicycle Thieves so effectively does. One must also remember when viewing this film in the 21st century that twenty-five percent of the Italian workforce was unemployed at the time (William Heuvel, 2008) and if you were employed, getting to work was with th e use of a bicycle. The object of the bicycle thus symbolized survival. In conclusion, one can therefore justifiably argue that the sentimental nature of Bicycle Thieves does not overwhelm the political statement but essentially enhances it. If the political statement made in the film was to feed off a means of a solution, and the solution could only be found in the common individual like the Riccis family then one needs to understand the individuals situation as well as have an opportunity to walk in their shoes. Through sentiment that is not overly used in this film, one can see the hardship for survival through the story of these characters in order to become aware, as well as stay intrigued. Without focalizing power of the central character but rather the political statement through the characters, this film uses The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. (Joseph Stalin, 1953) to its advantage by effectively showing the tragedy of individuals with indication to the masses statistic through apparent rawness and emotional intensity focused on such political and social problems. (P. Adams Sitney, 1995)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Different Approaches To Psychology And Christianity Theology Religion Essay

Different Approaches To Psychology And Christianity Theology Religion Essay Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, written by David N. Entwistle, is a thorough examination regarding the integration of psychology and theology, in which both attempt to understand human nature. Integration is described as a thing that we discover when we are uncovering the fundamental unity that God created, as well as something we do as we create ways of thinking about, combining, and applying psychological and theological truths (Entwistle, 2004, p. 19). An individuals worldview is ones life perspective, which filters their reality. Both the psychologist and the theologian bring their worldviews and presuppositions into their separate methodologies and goals. The authors theocentric model unites theology and psychology, as both have similar concepts that derive from Gods created world. In order to attain a holistic perspective of human nature, both are necessary (Entwistle, 2004). Before psychology was classified as a science, it had deep roots in philosophy and religion, though it was not successful in dealing with serious psychological disorders (Entwistle, 2004, p. 44). During this time the church leaders were deemed the spiritual physicians, caring for the souls of men. (Entwistle, 2004, pp. 44-45). The church leaders were involuntarily pushed into the back shadows with the rise of psychology, when curiosity began to embark upon the unconscious of man, moving psychology from examining the sensory systems of man to examining the mental processes of man (Entwistle, 2004, p. 49). Integration needs to recognize and discern the unity of all truth, that is that all truth is Gods truth, wherever it may be found. A comprehensive integration will involve, according to the allies paradigm, a holistic perspective on how human beings live, learn, think, feel, believe, and relate to each other and to god (Etwistle, 2004, p. 239). The book of Gods word (scripture) and the book of Gods works (creation) never conflict, but the interpretations of man may be inconsistent at times (Entwistle, 2004, p. 262). Human nature is complex and multifaceted. Psychology and theology must be integrated because human beings are integrated in themselves. It is erroneous to build truth upon just a few strands of the whole tapestry, lest we lose sight of the entire being. Integration must consist of the faith reading of both books, examining with careful exegesis and hermeneutics, and re-evaluating psychological reasoning, data and theories. We must learn to be comfortable with the fact that there will be some level of uncertainty and ambiguity we will always have to live with (Entwistle, 2004, pp. 273-274). Concrete Response My husband and I were pastoral leaders in a church where anything outside of the church was not considered ministry. We were told that God wanted us to work in full time ministry, which meant working full time with no steady pay. I didnt have any formal training in the bible nor in counseling, yet I preached and counseled. Everything was by faith, with the false belief that all knowledge and healing exclusively comes through the Spirit of the Lord. All of the teaching and counsel given stemmed from the leaders hurts and experiences. This was of no benefit to the parishioners, especially to those who had genuine mental health issues. My husband and I eventually moved away to another state. Whenever I tried to give counsel, I found that religious people either felt they did not need it, or believed I was somehow not spiritual enough. I also found that nonreligious people tended to be disinterested in hearing anything about God. Every time I opened my mouth, I seemed to find my foot in it. Five years after we left that church I enrolled in Liberty University to continue my education in psychology, still deeply struggling with my anti-psychology beliefs. I finally choose to go into professional counseling. I desired to be equipped and effective in counseling. Over the years I have come to know Christians who have had real psychological issues, but they only sought out Christian counsel. Most still have those issues today, still hiding behind religion. Reflection With the integration of theology and psychology, are we attempting to create a separate Christian psychology? If so, would this Christian psychology be less effective for those who are not Christians, or do we require conversion before they are able to partake of Gods wisdom? If so, are we withholding the very grace and graciousness of God, forgetting that fact that His sun rises on the evil as well as the good (Mat. 5:45). I also wonder if integration is realistically possible with all the various perspectives underneath the umbrella of Christian theology. Christianity has numerous opposing theories and conclusions, similar to secular psychology. I dont believe full integration will ever be possible, but I am confident that Spirit filled Christians have the power and ability to discern and act in such a way to work towards the healing and wholeness of each client. Entwistle was very constructive in stating the importance and possibility of integration (in which I disagree). He outlined various historical as well as contemporary viewpoints concerning integration, giving his opinion on which ones promote a holistic perspective. He also suggested several useful methods of integration. Although Entwistle acknowledged the metaphysical work of the Holy Spirit in integration, I was disappointed that he didnt make this a significant theme. I find it is important to integrate, yet believe that full integration may be impossible. I would have also liked to have read more about the pitfalls of being unequipped in ministry when dealing with mental health issues. Action Given that each human being is complex, counseling can be problematic. A holistic approach is the only way one can tap into the inner intricacies of man. I would plead with every Christian counselor to continuously examine their hearts. Due to the nature of our society and culture today, I would suggest they carefully consider every aspect of their client (body, soul and spirit). If not, they may do more harm than good. I am determined to work out my biases, as well as my resistance to change from anti-psychological thinking. I will continue to strive to gather all truth, which is Gods truth, from every relevant discipline. My main goal as a counselor is to be equipped and ready to pull out the most effective treatment from my relentless inner-integration. I believe every effective Christian counselor must be filled with the knowledge of Gods will in all wisdom as well as spiritual understanding (Col 1:9-17), so to bring forth instruction with zeal and fullness from his or her inner storehouse. This will ensure the impartation of both fresh wisdom and ancient wisdom (Mat 13:52 KJV; Wordstrudy). For one without the other stands deficient.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Acanthaster planci on the Great Barrier Reef Essay examples -- Crown o

Acanthaster planci on the Great Barrier Reef The organism Acanthaster planci, commonly known as the crown of thorns starfish, has a drastic effect on the health of coral reefs all over the world, including the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. This poisonous echinoderm feeds upon the coral, and although this should be a healthy and natural part of the ecosystem, the population explosions of the starfish have caused devastation in many portions of the Great Barrier Reef. Reef sections take anywhere from ten to fifteen years to recover, and some never recover completely with the same species distribution. The starfish outbreaks seem to travel southward down the reef with the two primary outbreaks reported in the last 40 years both beginning around Green Island and ending between Cairns and Townsville. The cause of these outbreaks is still unknown. They may be natural phenomena occurring throughout history, or they may be caused by human influences. The most effective control method currently is the injecting of sodium bisulfate in to the starfish which kills the organism in a matter of days. However, this method is costly and is not a permanent solution to the problem. The Cooperative Research Centre for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and the Australia Institute of Marine Science Research are conducting various research projects looking for environmentally sound and economically practical methods of controlling Acanthaster planci populations. Introduction Acanthaster planci, commonly known as the crown-of-thorns starfish, is an echinoderm that has attracted much attention and has been the focus of much research over the past few decades. Although the starfish has interesting physic... ...vestigations: Form, Function, Diversity, and Process Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Head, M.J., Henderson,R.A., Jull, A.J., and Walbran, P.D. 1989. Evidence from sediments of long-term Acanthaster planci predation on corals of the Great Barrier Reef. Science 245: 847-50. Keats, Derek W. 2001. Introduction to Coralline Algae. . Accessed March 2003. Moran, Peter. 1988 and 1997. Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Questions and Answers. Australian Institute of Marine Science. . Accessed March 2003. Reichelt, R. E. 1990. Dispersal and control models of Acanthaster planci populations on the Great Barrier Reef. In Lecture Notes in Biomathematics: Acanthaster and the Coral Reef, ed. R. H. Bradbury, pp. 6-16. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Human Beings and Nature: The Scientific Revolution Essay -- Essays Pa

Human Beings and Nature: The Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution, perhaps one of the most significant examples of human beingsà ­ relationship with the natural world, changed the way seventeenth and eighteenth century society operated. The power of human knowledge has enabled intellectual, economical, and social advances seen in the modern world. The Scientific Revolution which included the development of scientific attitudes and skepticism of old views on nature and humanity was a slow process that spanned over a two century period. During the Scientific Revolution, scientific knowledge enabled humans to control nature in order to improve society. With leaders such as Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and Rene Descartes, the Scientific Revolution proves to be a crucial piece to the puzzle of understanding the effects of humansà ­ interactions with the natural world. The changes produced during the Scientific Revolution were not rapid but developed slowly and in an experimental way. Although its effects were highly influential, the forerunners Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, and Rene Descartes only had a few hundred followers. Each pioneered unique ideas that challenged the current views of human beingsà ­ relationship with nature. With the backing of empirical observation and mathematical proof, these ideas slowly gained acceptance. As a result, the operation of society, along with prior grounds for faith were reconsidered. Their ideas promoted change and reform for humansà ­ well-being on earth. The Scientific Revolution was sparked through Nicolaus Copernicusà ­ unique use of mathematics. His methods developed from Greek astr... ...rn Heritage Brief Edition Volume II: Since 1648 (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall 1996), 342. 4. Rogers, 7. 5. Rogers, 18. 6. Rogers, 16. 7. Rogers, 11. ADDITIONAL SOURCE: - Steven Shapin, "The Scientific Revolution," Library Journal, Aug. 1996, 63-67. This article offers a different approach to analyzing the impact of the Scientific Revolution. He discusses the "birth" of modern science which occurred between Copernicus and Newton's time. However, he also gives equal credit to Bacon, Descartes, Galileo for the development of the naturalistic philosophy we still use today. This article is an excellent source of furthering one's knowledge on the topic of human beings interactions with the natural world and how the efforts made during the scientific revolution still impact us today.

Analysis of Gail Godwins A Sorrowful Woman :: Godwin Sorrowful Woman

Analysis of Gail Godwin's A Sorrowful Woman Gail Godwin's short story "A Sorrowful Woman" revolves around a wife and mother who becomes overwhelmed with her husband and child and withdraws from them, gradually shutting them completely out of her life. Unsatisfied with her role as dutiful mother and wife, she tries on other roles, but finds that none of them satisfy her either. She is accustomed to a specific role, and has a difficult time coping when a more extensive array of choices is presented to her. This is made clear in this section of the story. As a housewife and a mother, Godwin's protagonist leads a fairly structured life. Her activities are mostly confined to caring for her husband and child and caring for their home. Though she is obviously unsatisfied with this, as shown by her attempts to discard this role, she is not comfortable without such a structure. Even when she has moved into the white room, she develops a routine of brushing her hair in the sun each day. When she decides to write a poem, she shies away from the project once she realizes how many options are open to her; the idea of so much freedom seems to distress her. Even when she thinks that "her poem could be six, eight, ten, thirteen lines, it could be any number of lines, and it did not even have to rhyme," the words themselves are rushed, the pacing of the sentence communicating her nervousness and discomfort. Her dissatisfaction with her role in life also leads Godwin's protagonist to try on other roles. Though she tries on many, none of these seem to satisfy her either; she "tried these personalities on like costumes, then discarded them." Her inability to find any role that actually satisfies her probably contributes to her general sense of helplessness and continued withdrawal from her family and, indeed, the rest of the world. Since she cannot find any particular role that suits her, she attempts not to have any role at all; the coldness and isolation of the undecorated white room make it seem that she is trying to empty herself of her previous life. Her withdrawal from the world is also presented in this passage. She chooses to move into the white room, now no longer decorated by the previous inhabitant. White can be a very cold, sterile color, and it serves to illustrate her lack of attachment to the room or to her own home.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Imagery of Dark vs Light in James Joyce’s “Araby” Essay

The most remarkable imagery in Joyce’s’ â€Å"Araby† is the imagery of dark and light. The whole story reads like a chiaroscuro, a play of light and darkness. Joyce uses the darkness to describe the reality which the boy lives in and the light to describe the boy’s imagination – his love for Mangan’s sister. The story starts with the description of the dark surroundings of the boy: his neighborhood and his home. Joyce uses these dark and gloomy references to create the dark mood and atmosphere. Later, when he discusses Mangan’s sister, he changes to bright light references which are used to create a fairy tale world of dreams and illusions. In the end of the story, we see the darkness of the bazaar that represents the boy’s disappointment. On the simplest level, â€Å"Araby† is a story about a boy’s first love. On a deeper level, however, it is a story about the world in which he lives – a world inimical to ideals and dreams. This imagery reinforces the theme and the characters. Thus, it becomes the true subject of the story. The prevailing imagery of darkness shows that the boy’s spiritual environment is musty and dark.. â€Å"Araby† begins at dusk and continues through the evening during the winter. He chooses gloomy setting to be the home of a young boy. The houses in the street where the boy lives have â€Å"brown imperturbable faces† (40) ,his home has â€Å"gloomy rooms†(44) and the gardens where they play are dark. In this darkness only the boy and his laughing and shouting companions â€Å"glow†. They are still too young to have succumbed to the spiritual decay of the adult inhabitants. But the boys must play in â€Å"dark muddy lanes,† in â€Å"dark dripping gardens,† near † dark odorous stables† and â€Å"ash pits† (40 ). They use to â€Å"hid in shadows† (40 ) which are also part of the dark imagery. Into this world of darkness appears a figure representative of the light and all that is ideal, Mangan’s sister. She is the contrast to the boy’s dark world so she stands out in his dark environment. The narrator describes her figure as: â€Å"defined by the light† (40). His youthful imagination sees her as a figure always surrounded with light. â€Å"The light from the lamp opposite our door caught the white curve of her neck† (43). Because of her the boy feels a surge of hope that now, in her love, he will find light. This girl becomes  an image to him of all that he seeks in his dark surroundings. She has the power to set a flame in him. The boy tells us that her image, constantly accompanies him: â€Å"at night in my bedroom and by day in the classroom her image came between me and the page I strove to read†(43). Her image accompanies him even in places â€Å"the most hostile to romance† and makes him feel as though he bears a holy â€Å"chalice† through a â€Å"throng of foes†-the Saturday evening throng of â€Å"drunken men, bargaining women, cursing laborers† (41), and all the others who represent his dark surroundings and have no conception of the mystical beauty his young mind has created in this world of material ugliness. Joyce refers to bright light when discussing Mangan’s sister in order to give her a heavenly presence. Plainly he has felt the summons to cherish the holy, the â€Å"light,† in this dark world of those who are hostile to the sacred. The most significant role of the dark and light imagery appears in the end of the story in the bazaar. Here, the two imageries appear together but the end of the story is dark as the beginning. When finally the girl speaks to the boy she asks him if he is going to â€Å"Araby†. From that moment, the boy loses interest in his school and in everything around him. He thinks of nothing but the girl and the bazaar. He can see nothing but her â€Å"dark house† and â€Å"her brown-clad figure touched by lamp-light† (44). He feels that if he can gain the girl the light will be restored to his dark existence. He goes to â€Å"Araby† to buy her some gift and win her heart. James Joyce uses the lights of the bazaar to illustrate the boy’s confrontation with reality. When the boy reaches the bazaar he expects it to be open and lighted. However ,†nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness† (45 ). When he sees some lights there he remembers the reason he is there † The sight of the streets†¦glaring with gas recalled to me the purpose of my journey† (46) – Mangan’s sister. But the light is there for a very short time. In the end, we see again the darkness image: â€Å"the light was out† , â€Å"the upper part of the whole was now completely dark†(46), the boy is â€Å"gazing up into the  darkness† (46). With this darkness Joyce shows us the boy’s disappointment with his quest. The dark imagery shows that when he finds out that the bazaar isn’t what he expects it to be he realizes that his love exists only in his mind. The theme of the story-the discrepancy between the real and the ideal is made final in the dark description of the bazaar, a place of tawdry make-believe. The story that begins with the light-dark contrasts ends with it. The fact that in the end of the story the bazaar is dark shows that his love, like his quest for a gift to draw the girl to him, ends with his realizing that his love exists only in his mind. The experiences of the boy illustrate how people often expect more than ordinary reality can provide and then feel disillusioned and disappointed. This disillusion is shown in the end when the boy tells that he sees himself as a â€Å"creature driven and derided by vanity† (46). The boy senses the falsity of his dreams. He sees the dark reality and his eyes burn â€Å"with anguish and anger†. The last sentence reveals anger, hostility and a sense of harsh realization that his love for the girl was based on ignorance and self-deception. Realizing this, the boy takes his first step into adulthood.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Letter of Advice

letter of Advice COM200 inter psycheal chat t apieceer Sara Marcus January 9, 2012 Dear William and Linda, Let me start by interpreting congratulations on your juvenile nuptials. The cardinal of you be off to an splendid start in exigencying advice on how to efficaciously go across with angiotensin converting enzyme a nonher. In pickings an inter nearly matchlessal conference class, I suffer well-educated several ideas that I would kindred to situation with you through emerge this letter. parley is drop away in growing and maintaining a kin.A fit discourse style is life-sustaining to dourer st fit relationships. The hold kitty buoy We Talk is rough the role of conversition in a marriage. Nara Schoenberg gave great keenness to giving advice to umpteen that ar qualified to read it that atomic number 18 in a marriage. This article highlighted how with vertical communication skills a marriage give be fit to sustain it ego for a livelinessti me. The results of peachy trenchant communication habits depart build a strong and long lasting relationship.In training this article Schoenberg says that communication means that youre sacramental manduction and really get to k right away adept an an an some other(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) and well-chosen marriages exhibits self-disclo verit adequate to(p), or communion your private incurings, fears, doubts and perceptions with your partner. These program lines atomic number 18 what sack up this article so relatable to its readers. We decease in contrasting ship thunder mugal plainly finding a compatible imprint of communication is profound to whatsoever relationship. world able to state cl beforehand(predicate) and efficient requires a veritable level of confidence.The textbookual matter book qualification Connections apprehensiveness interpersonal Communications explains that the rudimentary principle of interpersonal communication deals with concep t of who atomic number 18 you. tint sure and well-situated of your communicating skills bequeath ensure candid communication inwardly the relationship. Your self-concept is how you look at yourself. It is a psychological image that you aim aim of yourself and it preempt reach to your mental authorisation or emplacement in life. anes self-concept call fors angiotensin-converting enzymes perception, spatial relation and behavior, which provide be demonstrated during the change of interpersonal communication.Aspects of unrivalleds life influence their self-concept, which non only feign how people compreh pole them but how they grasp themselves. In the growth of communication, self-knowledge and the way one feel n first oneself is revealed to others, and affects how others re crop to them. Consequently, the perceptions one believes others entertain of them affect how they receive their communication, which influences their repartee. In relationships you obtai n to be cognizant of how the pivotal sex perceives subjects.Men meet things differently than women. I relate this to my childhood when my p arnts would argue and my bewilder would say to my vex You hear what you deprivation to hear. This is spare in the get that was referenced in the article windup Relationships Some times M lease Poor Communication. In the study, researchers asked 24 conjoin couples to put one across part in an experiment in which both sets of couples sat in chairs and seek to figure place the heart of phrases whose meaning isnt immaculately clear.The caseful expenditured was a wife who says to her preserve, its acquire hot in here, as a hint for her husband to turn up the air learn a nonch, whitethorn be impress when he interprets her statement as a coy, amorous get along with instead (Healthday, 2011). unity way to empty this mistake is not to be move and preoccupied. Stop and snitch sure you project the perspective the other is tryi ng to pass especially since the two of you are married. In creation awake(predicate) of the opposite sex, you bring forth to be cognisant of how you say things as well.The tactile property of your re constituteative can dissolve the means you are trying to send. The text suggests that work to close judgments intimately the speakers appearance, lumber of voice, or other such ingredients out of your mind when you are speaking with someone, and localise on the haggling and the meaning preferably than on the person delivering the message. If you are fainthearted of a persons meaning, it is not taboo to ask what is meant. This is a technique that I use in my get marriage. Before a dis gybement takes place, I bequeath say to my husband I said now what did you hear? This clears up what my intended message was and suffices me to modify my tone or dust manner of speaking that my match may have found offensive. This was a hard lesson versed because I was the one that s aid things without considering how it sounds to my husband. That was not how I indirect requested to portray myself and not get into un undeniable arguments. Linda you similarly have to bear on in mind that you beget very shake when you whistle. Although William knows this closely you, it could release offensive in the heat of the upshot. Dr.Terry Orbuch refers to this cast of automobile trunk manner of speaking as a determining factor in the early years of marriage. In her book, married Inst world power, she surveyed 199 African American couples and 174 snow-covered couples who were further married and found that body language can cause meaningful damage in a relationship if it is read the unseasonable way. William should be evocative of his unendingly present smile. In a majority of cases a great smile is a in effect(p) thing. However, in times of turmoil a smile can be mistake to mean that you are not taking the situation seriously.An keen way to subjugate c onflict is to receive good auditory sense habits. We have, at some point, exhibited poor listening skills. Bad listening habits include need of interest in the subject, focus on the person, not on the content, interrupting, focus on the detail, missing the speculative picture, body language that signals disinterest, letting emotions barricado the meaning, and daydreaming. All these things can put all relationship in a down spin. These habits could lead to mis figureings and arguments. in that location are ways to avoid this. One way is to give your mate your exuberant attention.Attend to what they are saying not just with your ears but with your entire body. Make sure you are lining each other during the conversation. Having the right lieu contributes to your desire to want to know what the other is saying. The next thing is having patience and go steadying. sometimes you might have a trying time acquiring your point intelligibly across. If your spouse attempts to he lp you say what is needed jadet get upset. This could be a good thing because they understand your point. This is always a way of showing support for them.Even if you do not agree with what they are saying, make sure deference what they have to say. level-headed listening skills also include subtile how to manage your reactions to what is being said. Before you respond, take a moment to think about what was said and how it makes you feel. Your response should reflect how you feel but should not sound like stirred up tirade. A vital key to successful communication is having the ability to understand emotions and being able to express those emotions ( touch on, 2011). This is a lot referred to as emotional erudition. aroused intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself and others. Emotional intelligence includes make good judgments about when to deal with emotions and keep them at bay. Kathy Sole feels that emotional intelligence also right off corresponds to emotional wellnessthe higher your EI, the more(prenominal) emotionally anicteric you are. Ones emotional health keeps you in tuned with your feelings succession being opened to the feelings of others. This is beneficial in a marital relationship because you dont stuff about you when transaction with your spouses feelings.The communication skills of any couple are established early on and can improve or become worse. In a marriage, communication skill should always improve and a step towards gain is self- revelation. Self-disclosure is the act of manduction aspects of your personal self with other people. This act allows you find commonalities with each other as well as dislikes. cosmos able to open up to others is essential to developing a deeper association Self-disclosure and communication skills general are all-important(a) components of any healthy relationship.Self-disclosure lays the foundation for the instance of relationship you wi ll have with one another. Also it plays an important role in validating self-worth and identity. enchantment self-disclosure have many a(prenominal) benefits the amount of disclosure depends on what will be gained and how much are you losing to your partner. Being on the receiving end of disclosure requires a level of culpability and perhaps forgiveness. William and Linda once more I want to congratulate you on your recent engagement. You two have a lifetime of perfecting your communication skills ahead of you.Using the concepts that I have mentioned in this letter will make it easier for you. give thanks you for the honor of asking for my advice and wish you many years of happiness. Love, Tasha References Anonymous,. shut Relationships Sometimes overwhelm Poor Communication. (2011,January). U. S. discussion World Report,1. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from ABI/ maintain Global. (Document ID2270370591). NARA SCHOENBERG. (2011,February6). Can we talk? queryer dialog about the role of communication in marriages. Houston Chronicle,p. 7.Retrieved January 9, 2012, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID2260839481). Sole, K. (2011). Making Connections Understanding social Communication. San Diego Bridgepoint Education. Orbuch, T. (2007). Interpersonal Relationships, in The Blackwell encyclopaedia of Sociology, G. Ritzer (Ed. ), (Oxford Blackwell Publishing), 2390-2393. Veroff, J. , Orbuch, T. L. (2009). Studying Marital Relationships. In an redact volume called Research Methodologies inAfrican American Communities, emended by J. capital of Mississippi C. Howard (Eds. ), Sage Publications. earn of AdviceLetter of Advice COM200 Interpersonal Communication Instructor Sara Marcus January 9, 2012 Dear William and Linda, Let me start by saying congratulations on your recent nuptials. The two of you are off to an excellent start in wanting advice on how to efficaciously communicate with one another. In taking an interpersonal communication class, I have learned several concepts that I would like to share with you throughout this letter. Communication is important in developing and maintaining a relationship.A healthy communication style is vital to longer lasting relationships. The article Can We Talk is about the role of communication in a marriage. Nara Schoenberg gave great insight to giving advice to many that are able to read it that are in a marriage. This article highlighted how with good communication skills a marriage will be able to sustain itself for a lifetime. The results of good effective communication habits will build a strong and long lasting relationship.In reading this article Schoenberg says that communication means that youre sharing and really getting to know one another and happy marriages exhibits self-disclosure, or sharing your private feelings, fears, doubts and perceptions with your partner. These statements are what make this article so relatable to its readers. We communicate in different ways but finding a c ompatible form of communication is key to any relationship. Being able to communicate clearly and effective requires a certain level of confidence.The text book Making Connections Understanding Interpersonal Communications explains that the basic principle of interpersonal communication deals with concept of who are you. Feeling sure and comfortable of your communicating skills will ensure good communication within the relationship. Your self-concept is how you look at yourself. It is a mental image that you have of yourself and it can relate to your mental strength or status in life. Ones self-concept affects ones perception, attitude and behavior, which can be demonstrated during the process of interpersonal communication.Aspects of ones life influence their self-concept, which not only affect how people perceive them but how they perceive themselves. In the process of communication, self-knowledge and the way one feel about oneself is revealed to others, and affects how others re act to them. Consequently, the perceptions one believes others have of them affect how they receive their communication, which influences their response. In relationships you have to be cognizant of how the opposite sex perceives things.Men hear things differently than women. I relate this to my childhood when my parents would argue and my mother would say to my father You hear what you want to hear. This is evident in the study that was referenced in the article Close Relationships Sometimes conceal Poor Communication. In the study, researchers asked 24 married couples to take part in an experiment in which two sets of couples sat in chairs and tried to figure out the meaning of phrases whose meaning isnt entirely clear.The example used was a wife who says to her husband, its getting hot in here, as a hint for her husband to turn up the air conditioning a notch, may be surprised when he interprets her statement as a coy, amorous advance instead (Healthday, 2011). One way to avoid this mistake is not to be rushed and preoccupied. Stop and make sure you understand the perspective the other is trying to relay especially since the two of you are married. In being aware of the opposite sex, you have to be aware of how you say things as well.The tone of your voice can displace the message you are trying to send. The text suggests that work to shut judgments about the speakers appearance, tone of voice, or other such factors out of your mind when you are speaking with someone, and focus on the words and the meaning rather than on the person delivering the message. If you are unsure of a persons meaning, it is not taboo to ask what is meant. This is a technique that I use in my own marriage. Before a disagreement takes place, I will say to my husband I said now what did you hear? This clears up what my intended message was and helps me to modify my tone or body language that my spouse may have found offensive. This was a hard lesson learned because I was the one tha t said things without considering how it sounds to my husband. That was not how I treasured to portray myself and not get into unnecessary arguments. Linda you also have to keep in mind that you become very animated when you talk. Although William knows this about you, it could become offensive in the heat of the moment. Dr.Terry Orbuch refers to this kind of body language as a determining factor in the early years of marriage. In her book, Marital Instability, she surveyed 199 African American couples and 174 White couples who were just married and found that body language can cause significant damage in a relationship if it is read the wrong way. William should be mindful of his always present smile. In a majority of cases a great smile is a good thing. However, in times of turmoil a smile can be mistaken to mean that you are not taking the situation seriously.An excellent way to avoid conflict is to develop good listening habits. We have, at some point, exhibited poor listening skills. Bad listening habits include Lack of interest in the subject, focus on the person, not on the content, interrupting, focus on the detail, missing the big picture, body language that signals disinterest, letting emotions block the meaning, and daydreaming. All these things can put any relationship in a downward spin. These habits could lead to misunderstandings and arguments. There are ways to avoid this. One way is to give your mate your full attention.Attend to what they are saying not just with your ears but with your entire body. Make sure you are facing each other during the conversation. Having the right attitude contributes to your desire to want to know what the other is saying. The next thing is having patience and understanding. Sometimes you might have a difficult time getting your point clearly across. If your spouse attempts to help you say what is needed dont get upset. This could be a good thing because they understand your point. This is always a way of showin g support for them.Even if you do not agree with what they are saying, make sure respect what they have to say. Good listening skills also include knowing how to manage your reactions to what is being said. Before you respond, take a moment to think about what was said and how it makes you feel. Your response should reflect how you feel but should not sound like emotional tirade. A vital key to successful communication is having the ability to understand emotions and being able to express those emotions (Sole, 2011). This is often referred to as emotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself and others. Emotional intelligence includes making good judgments about when to deal with emotions and keep them at bay. Kathy Sole feels that emotional intelligence also directly corresponds to emotional healththe higher your EI, the more emotionally healthy you are. Ones emotional health keeps you in tuned with your fe elings while being exposed to the feelings of others. This is beneficial in a marital relationship because you dont forget about you when dealing with your spouses feelings.The communication skills of any couple are established early on and can improve or become worse. In a marriage, communication skill should always improve and a step towards improvement is self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is the act of sharing aspects of your personal self with other people. This act allows you find commonalities with each other as well as dislikes. Being able to open up to others is essential to developing a deeper connection Self-disclosure and communication skills overall are important components of any healthy relationship.Self-disclosure lays the foundation for the type of relationship you will have with one another. Also it plays an important role in validating self-worth and identity. While self-disclosure have many benefits the amount of disclosure depends on what will be gained and how mu ch are you losing to your partner. Being on the receiving end of disclosure requires a level of culpability and perhaps forgiveness. William and Linda again I want to congratulate you on your recent engagement. You two have a lifetime of perfecting your communication skills ahead of you.Using the concepts that I have mentioned in this letter will make it easier for you. Thank you for the honor of asking for my advice and wish you many years of happiness. Love, Tasha References Anonymous,. Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication. (2011,January). U. S. News World Report,1. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID2270370591). NARA SCHOENBERG. (2011,February6). Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in marriages. Houston Chronicle,p. 7.Retrieved January 9, 2012, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID2260839481). Sole, K. (2011). Making Connections Understanding Interpersonal Communication. San Diego Bridgepoint Education. Orbuc h, T. (2007). Interpersonal Relationships, in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, G. Ritzer (Ed. ), (Oxford Blackwell Publishing), 2390-2393. Veroff, J. , Orbuch, T. L. (2009). Studying Marital Relationships. In an edited volume called Research Methodologies inAfrican American Communities, Edited by J. Jackson C. Howard (Eds. ), Sage Publications.